Fingernails grow at an average rate of 0.1 mm per day, or 3 mm per month. Ideally, nails should be cut every 5 to 7 days. The best way is to clip the fingernails after they have been soaked, e.g. after a bath or shower This will avoid unnecessary damage, which can later lead to torn nails. Trim the nails using small cuts. Make sure the nail is cut only as short as just over the tip of the finger in order to prevent ingrowing nails. Man wear their nails short (no longer than to the fingertip).

To trim: place the protruding nail between the blades and gently press the handle together. After cutting, it's worth doing little fine tuning. Filing, tending to the cuticles and a suitable cream or oil complete the care process.

Toenails grow at an average rate of 0.05 mm per day / 1.5 mm per month. Ideally, toenails should be cut every 3 to 4 weeks. Toenails are also best cut after they have been soaked. Clip the toenail straight and not too short, in order to avoid ingrowing toenails. The ideal length is when the corners of the toenail are the same length as the toe. Feet also appreciate a few finishing touches.

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